Beautiful, huge, back to nature, in the middle of nowhere. Abandoned. So sad. Anyone know where this building is located?
Tudor style: The house features a great deal of dark half-timbering that is a trademark of old English architecture
APOLLO Architects & Associates|LATTICE
Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978) | Complesso Monumentale Brion (detto Tomba Brion) | San Vito d'Altivole, Treviso | Italia | 1969-1978
cobe_prinsessegade_diagram_12.jpg (1155×774)
Melbourne / Top Paddock : bar, restaurant /
Una cocina muy estilo industrial, grandes bloques de madera maciza conforman esta isla de cocina. #kitchen
Porto, #Portugal - crossing the old districts by tram
Landscape Design Idea - Architectural drawing / rendering / diagram - Presentation layout
Stable Wood Floor Design. This might be my favorite one ever!
The village of Pegrema, Republic of Karelia, Russia. This beautiful example of the wooden architecture was abandoned after the Russian Revolution.
Congress center in Avila by Matos Castillo Architects
Pentominium, Dubai, UAE by Aedas Architects :: 122 floors, height 516m Futuristic Architecture
Simple backlit - John Pawson
Gabriola Garden Design | Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire.
Minto Shopping Mall by kplus konzept, Mönchengladbach – Germany » Retail Design Blog
Imagine living in this stunning Swedish woodland house.
"Smaller but Smarter" Southern Living "Garden Home Cottage" House plans for eco-friendly living!
RCR Arquitectes, casa Entremuros en Olot (Gerona) - Arquitectura Viva · Revistas de Arquitectura
This guy moved into a studio apartment that had no storage, so he took matters into his own hands and built this amazing 'The Living Cube' - Imgur
Neuer Bahnhof der Reggio Emilia / Santiago Calatrava, Zürich
A gorgeous chandelier still hangs in an abandoned mansion. What a SHAME!!!!!
"Electrifying: The Eiffel Tower glows blue as it is struck by the forked lightning bolt" | Photographer: Bertrand Kulik, 2011
The Interlace, a residential complex designed by the OMA and Ole Scheeren, blends a nontraditional design with verdure.
Modsim / Yazgan Design Architecture. Such an amazing way to give definition to an otherwise busy space
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