Looks like our old truck before it was restored
Past Master Masonic Patch - Classic colorful symbol on round surface for Freemasons
Crosby Queen to Full Blue Green Fabric Headboard
The Bride's Panty Box: The bride lifts the lid and the undies just keep coming and coming! Personalized with notes on the ribbon. Even something inside for the groom :) hilarious and guests will love it. bridal shower, bachelorette gift
industrial bedroom. Simple with concrete walls and sophisticated night stands (via http://@Abbey Adique-Alarcon Phillips Phillips Booten ) Like, Comment, Repin !!
Don't count on me to feed your ego. Never... ...... ........................Bits And Pieces Of My Life In Pictures... www.morseandnobel.com
Snowshill lavender 2 by angus.crossley, via Flickr
FB114 - Flower In The Garden Handmade Felt Brooch - Baby PInk. £14,50, via Etsy.
Easy Halloween Costume: Scarecrow
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