A previous pinner said... "My neighbour has a row of roses, which he took as cuttings. I asked how he took them. He simply plunges the cuttings into the ground. But his secret of success is the humble potato! Before planting cuttings, he pushes the b
How to Build a Super Easy Raised Bed Our veggie garden was raised -- soooo much easier to weed, harvest, etc., and was (sorta) a deterrent to the doggies walking thru!
Love this "old man tree" in the fairy garden - reminds me of some of the work I did at university - by entgarden1 via Flickr - #fairy #garden #miniature
The lotus plant belongs to the Nillumbik genus and carries symbolic significance in major cultures across the world. Lotus plant’s floral meaning is rebirth and divinity.
The lotus plant belongs to the Nillumbik genus and carries symbolic significance in major cultures across the world. Lotus plant’s floral meaning is rebirth and divinity.
istorically, botanical gardens exchanged plants through the publication of seed lists (these were called Latin: Indices Seminae in the 18th century). This was a means of transferring both plants and information between botanical gardens. This system
Find out how to make small succulent gardens that look amazing and take only a few minutes! Easy, affordable, delightful to look at and hardly any maintenance needed.