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Mr. McGregor's Garden


Couldn't agree more with Greg Norman!

Chalk Talk: A Kindergarten Blog: addition with the book "This Plus That" by Amy Rosenthal. Brainstorm then students make pictures.

#marijuanalove #marijuanaplant #marijuanaphotosubmission #marijuanaphotos #marijuana #ganja #ganjababes #ganjaconsumer #pot #bongs #blunts #weed #420 #raw #high #stonernation #stoner #dope #instaweed #hemp #joints #hash

Nice Baby Shower Idea....ahhh a no bake treat for a baby shower. Hopefully someday I'll be happy to make these dipped in PINK.

Seven Deadly Sins Anime Meliodas Elizabeth 1920x1080

Raspberry bushes in a raised bed. we need to do this for our raspberries and blueberries, husband (@cowenstx)

Try this butt workout move with an exercise band


Pommes de terre farcies au lard et Reblochon, champignons à la crème.

Turn on the app if you feel unsafe and hold your finger on the screen. Once you’ve arrived at a safe location, enter your code. If your finger leaves the screen without entering the code, law enforcement is notified and your location is traced.

Can't believe I didn't think of this! Find out how to make these simple recycled lamps!

✯ Upper North Falls (65 feet) - Silver Falls - Oregon State Park

"oh N knows A" is there something i should know about here? -n #lOVE

Creamy, rich hot chocolate mix - better than any store-bought packets. Package it up pretty and give as Christmas gifts!

road to Milford Sound, New Zealand | Achim Thomae

This tuxedo-inspired number she wore on the Red tour. | The Definitive Ranking Of Taylor Swift's Short Shorts

Beginning Sound Scoops! Great way to practice beginning sounds (phonics)!

Calcite with quartz from Huanggang Mine, Inner Mongolia, China. The pictured specimen is 7cm tall. The quartz at the center of the stacked calcite disks is better exposed in some of the specimens that they have at the show. Photo credit: Jeffrey A. S

Feelt kinda good about my appearance today until I went outside and it started raining, and we all know how hair with hairspray looks like when it becomes wet….And on top of that I got recognized by someone as wellWHAT ARE THE ODDS I&

40 DIY Log Ideas Take Rustic Decor To Your Home

Albero by Gianfranco Frattini for Poltrona Frau. Designed by Gio Ponti's apprentice in the 1950's, the walnut-veneer MDF bookcase is rotating, adjustable, and self-supporting.

Don't count on me to feed your ego. Never... ...... ........................Bits And Pieces Of My Life In Pictures...

Vegan Chocolate Pudding Cake. This cake is so amazing, it’s warm, ooey, gooey, fudgey, chocolatey, and it has a secret super power, it makes it’s own chocolate sauce! You just pop it in the oven, and when you scoop it up, you find all of.

VELOCITY CYCLE CLUB by Hobo and Sailor , via Behance

*The Legends ~ ♥ OH HIGH SCHOOL. OHMYGLOB. Minho's looks fake, as in a promo. And DBSK/TVXQ look like anime... SO ADORABLE, AND OLD. takes me back.

Fleur fashion / karen cox. LOOKandLOVEwithLOLO: SPRING 2015 RTW......featuring Oscar de la Renta

Camden, ME, the perfect little New England harbor town - I will see you in August beautiful Camden & Rockland!