Loss of pet quotes. Losing a pet is very tragic to a child.....we lost our Mitzi, Christy, and Sassy all within 2 yrs--they had all grew old together.
Thomas Rainer: Pleasure Garden I like the lightness of the grass colour with the richness of the purple spires
Be strong in the times where you want to be weak. -Jensen Ackles
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These are fantastic...although the one about Dobby is hilarious, I always assumed Draco was complaining about Harry, (e.g., "Ugh, 'The Boy Who Lived' is at Hogwarts now and thinks he's so great," etc.) and Dobby was like "Yesss the Savior!" Just my t
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Whether you hang them in your urban apartment, or in your lakeside escape, Norquay Canoe Paddles ($200) flawlessly combine form and function, lending a wilderness touch to your space. Individually crafted from cherry wood, painted, and varnish-finish
The Scotch regions of Scotland. The roommates and I are planning to go!