
Joined 9 years ago





Items collected by Stephanie287

~~Dahlia Night Butterfly | collarette, this new generation offers varieties like no other! High on stems, with their simple broad petals, they bloom in abundance throughout the summer and are remarkable in containers, borders and flowerbeds | Jacques

Tracy Weinzapfel Studios: Monday Mixed Media "Hope" - 10/22/12

Leotards | k-Bee Leotards for Gymnastics and Competitions. - Epic Ice Turquoise Leotard - k-Bee Leotards

Chair Flower Container. Before you toss out that old chair, this might be a nice idea for your garden.

Watercolor eyes in flesh tone tutorial by =jane-beata on deviantART

Update a white wall with display shelving and black and white photo frames

Of hearth and home

Gorgeous collection of turquoise and sterling worn with edgy black nails.

Outdoor classroom

Vibrant and loose brushstrokes create a sense of freedom and movement.

Simple ribbon pinwheel bow - form it around a hair clip, place stitches along each ribbon segment (shown in tutorial), then pull thread tight to cinch the bow in the middle.

Elite Cheer Bow Keychain by desarosebowtique on Etsy, $6.50

The Tragic Truth - Five Finger Death Punch

this pin is for the pattern but it's sold out and it's in Japanese, so I may be out of luck.