
Joined 8 years ago





Items collected by Raven949

Via Cordillera / JSª + DMG Architects

Mushroom Faux Silk Taffeta Fabric

Africa | 'Aleikum salaam' Berbera, Somaliland | © Andy Scott Chang | #Poverty #WeThePeOplE JOIN THE PROJECT; "Enjoy a Cappuccino while Saving Lives!" @Pinterest.com/vipsaccess/we-the-people-pinterest-charity-fund-raise-campaig/

Blue Lodge - Signet Duo-Tone Gold Icons and Silver Color Steel Band. Freemason Ring - Master Mason Free and Accepted Masons - Masonic Rings for sale - Freemason Jewelry

convertible vw *dream car...Santa, my I have it in Robin's Egg blue, pls?*

Research on Behance

Bear out walking in beautiful scenery. //Love this photo EL//

Scops Owl by chrisdx3 | Flickr

Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce Recipe: Healthier, low-calorie, low-fat version of a regular alfredo sauce. @juliasalbum

Sometimes, dreads look really good when done right. I still don't like dreads, but they're interesting.

Behind Every Stack Of Books, There Is A Flood Of Knowledge (Awesome painting) | Interesting Pictures

Oh he look gorgeous here This is my fav pic all the time

Every day, you wake up with a different muscle sore than yesterday.

Running Tips: Simple Core Strength Training Exercises