The BEST Salted Caramel Sauce (So Easy!) - Averie Cooks
Masonic Past Master Emblem with Top Hat and Gavels on sides - Freemason Ring / Mason's Ring - Stainless Steel Jewelry for Freemasons
Open Weave Cream Linen Sheer Curtain
I grew these this year. Low growing, good for front of borders. Leucanthemum 'Aglaia' Shasta Daisy: Full Sun, perennial, blooms all summer if deadheaded, divide every 2-3 years. So fluffy & pretty!
50 Hilarious Dirty One Liner Jokes Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter
all the Avengers would have died and the world would be kneeling<yes
Illustrator: Bill Robinson - for WonderGround Gallery in Disneyland! #disney #aliceinwonderland #characterdesign
It is finally here, a checklist to figure out and plan all your Social Media Marketing.
Galadriel, Bearer of Nenya: Her hair was lit with gold as though it had caught in a mesh the radiance of Laurelin. #lotr
a prayer of forgiveness - when you need that second chance..or the third or fourth
Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, and Joe Trohman of Fall Out Boy visit the Z100 Studio for an interview in New York City.
oh my birdhouse with snow, little red bird, reminds me of Christmas past!
Astronomy news: NASA's Spitzer Images Out-of-This-World Galaxy The galaxy, called NGC 1097, is located 50 million light-years away. It is spiral-shaped like our Milky Way, with long, spindly arms of stars. The "eye" at the center of the galaxy is act
Swiss Airlines. A great way to help people remember their brand. You definitely won't forget which airline's ad you saw.