
Joined 9 years ago





Items collected by Lorenza325

Larkspur Chocolate Brown Leather Chair

Absolutely love this! | Tapestry Crochet Diamond - Harlequin Lap/Baby blanket in Modern Bright Colours

Female Symbol Stud Earrings - Lesbian Pride Earrings - Black Body Jewelry

Pair (2 Panels) White Solid Faux Organza Sheer Curtain

6mm - Unisex or Women's Tungsten Wedding Band. Celtic Wedding Band Silver with Rose Gold Resin Inlay Celtic Knot Tungsten Carbide Ring

Typographie : La magnifique fresque de craie de Ben Johnston

Potatoes baked in Chicken Broth, Garlic and Butter, SO GOOD! They get crispy on the bottom but stay fluffy inside. Chocked full of flavor.

Love changes everything - Harley Quinn --- Watching over the siblings. Sometimes I feel like Ivy.

Our Best Bet for Colonizing Space May Be Printing Humans on Other Planets

Le nom de l'établissement signifie "mange, mange". An di an di est un bistrot parisien aux accents vietnamiens. Réjouissant!

Newfoundland Puppy - If only her people knew that that small stage was only going to be a blip on the screen lol adorable as all get out though. I love those dogs.


paisley tattoo cover up

Toyota Supra: I'll never understand corporates politics as to why this car was dropped. It had such potential, reaching maybe around +900HP if given the proper upgrades

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA CRYSTALS (listed clockwise starting with the upper right hand corner): Amber, Honey Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Jasper, Malachite, Pyrite, Rhodochrosite, Imperial Topaz, Golden Tiger's Eye. This is by no means all.

I like this command center. Just where to put it? Basket handy for lunchbox drop off and book bag

What really grinds my gears