
Joined 9 years ago





Items collected by Jake

Gladiolus 'Violetta' (Gladiolus x hortulanus) something like this??? the bloom gets about 3' tall-they are a perennial and only bloom about 3 weeks

Bear Down Univ of Ariz ▓ Bears love the chase, many advise not running when encountering a bear and the bear is grateful

The Best Rooftop Bars in NYC

14 Gorgeous Kelv-Helmz Cloud Formations

One of the 1,800 shots I took for the stop motion animation video I did of myself painting my apartment wall over the weekend. The entire illustration took roughly 10 hours including a lunch break, coffee break and pee breaks. Thanks to everyone who.

Pinned from "That Kind Of Woman" 3/4/12: http://thatkindofwoman.tumblr.com/post/18756515813#

SLOPE Pendant #lamp by Miniforms #minimal #design

how to draw a volleyball @heggyart- #webstagram Because I still don't know how to draw a volleyball:)

Dylan O'Brien - Teen Wolf, The Internship, The First Time - {Bowties are hot.}

Seven tips to customize your Samsung Galaxy S5 - CNET

Top 10 Best 9MM Pistols 2014