
Joined 9 years ago





Items collected by Gianni919

Darcie Black Brushed Silver Finish Wrought Iron Fireplace Screen

Body Talk...Jennifer Aniston BEAUTIFUL;;; Jennifer is one of few women who do not even have to try to be SEXY, because they are naturally Breathtaking, Jennifer is naturally Breathtaking

Yep, that's me! "I just wanna sip coffee & pet my dog"

Signature Desert Coral Velvet Fabric

Red Lodge - Freemasons Square and Compass Ring - Steel Masonic Emblem with Red Background

Male Female LGBT Pride Symbol Earrings - Rainbow Flag Stud Earrings

Sharpening is a mystery to many, some do it well and others don't. There are quite a few methods to sharpen an image including the use of a High Pass Filter, Unsharp Mask, Smart Sharpen and Camera Shake Removal in Adobe Photoshop CC. However, it&#821

SLAP by Whatwelike To Design , via Behance

Iowa Hawkeyes Ladies Campus Cruzerz Napili Flats - Black

original espresso machine!

I didn't even know this was a thing, but now I really want to do this!

Inspiration Gallery #031 – Typography | From up North _this is so nice that i didn't even realize it was an ambigram at first

50 Cool Tattoo ideas for Men & Women - purple leaves