Holiday Outfits. Kinda love them all. especially the bottom right girl rockin the red glasses.
For my new teacher friends..this is gold. Do this technique for any procedure, it works! The best "how to" from Fred Jones on establishing rules , procedures and standards in your classroom!---classroom management. Always need something up your sl
This makes me smile, and reminds me that once upon a time I bought a one way ticket to Italy. I was 23 years old, had no money to get back, and did not speak Italian. I learned a LOT! So why did I get the collywobbles when my daughter wanted to mo
Soldiers Standard - concept by on @deviantART
Joel is going to look like a stud in this! Grey shirt, black vest and pants, and plum purple tie
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pencil-monkey: “I’d really like to make an illustrated version of this lovely poem by reddit user Poem_for_your_sprog, preferably in time for the 25th of May. However, I probably won’t have time to...
Pane, burro e alici: Pane con yogurt e fiocchi di patate
Sonia Gomes - Artists - Lehmann Maupin