
Joined 9 years ago





Items collected by Chasity

We're not kidding you — these travel destinations actually exist and aren't a figment of your imagination. Be prepared to have your mind blown as you browse through these amazing photos.

Graphite Ruched Faux Solid Taffeta Curtain


The 63 Best Health & Fitness Apps - Workout Programs, Trackers, Nutrition, Diet, Stress Reduction, Cooking, Sleep - fantastic!

Check out these cute and clever signs for your wedding decor | JoPhoto

Return by *iya-chen

Reasons to be fit: because the gym has become the place where I can forget about the whole world and focus on MYSELF.

barn wood reclaimed - glamorous contemporary take on reclaimed wood

Fruit Fly Trap 1 How to Get Rid of Gnats and Fruit Flies jar, paper cone, scotch tape, banana or other fruit, apple cider vinegar, couple drops of dishwashing liquid. they fly in and don't fly out!

Epic Photo = Mind Blown (grr, spelling mistakes in the text. Still amazing, though!)

Zo'n vijfhonderd als kerstman verklede Nieuwediepers rennen zondagmiddag 22 december drie kilometer door de binnenstad van Den Helder. Dat hoopt de Rotary Club Den Helder althans.

Oregon - by Portland. Bridge over lower part of waterfall. Totally been here it was amazing!!

Mercedes Benz SLS AMG I prefer the Black Series for this car but the stock SLS is still pretty dang awesome!

Raven Tattoo

This is seriously informative info on the new Pinterest Smart Feed and how to get it figured out!