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Preparing Perennials for Winter. http://www.bhg.com/gardening/flowers/perennials/preparing-perennials-for-winter/?sssdmh=dm17.701237&esrc=nwdi111013
Apple Cream Pie with Cinnamon Roll Crust - aka, the best apple pie you've EVER had!
drugera: (Bentley Continental GT | | Source)
Amy Backpack in Sycamore Indigo Denim: Denim (a classic staple) gets an elevated upgrade
/normally I find these types of wall word art irksome, but this is one I can get behind!/ Doctor Who Love Tardis
Pin it and learn how to do this cool arm balance! The post includes a video of how to get into it as well.
A fun little list for some delicious non-coffee drinks at Starbucks! The Mormon Guide to Starbucks http://lds.net/blog/buzz/mormons-guide-starbucks/
Monster From the Ocean Floor 1954 Movie Poster Oversize Style