Crochet Doll; African American girl with curly afro puffs, beaded braids, removable skirt and hair accessories!
Ribs tattoo. Roman numerals
Twenty One Pilots // Lovely {ALLCAPSLYRICS}
By Philip Milic (pmtattoos)
the best part about these movies is how much the actors put of themselves into it. I don't think The Hobbit will ever be able to replicate that, except for the crew and the few of the original cast.
hetalia berlin... I think I teared up a little.
You're mom called you left your game at home! High school football posters
Flying over the Italy on a foggy morning
The Tragic Truth - Five Finger Death Punch
It is, just in a more digestible and tasty format...
Beartooth Highway MT, the pass from Red Lodge to Cook City. It is the north entry into Yellowstone.
I like how they use one colour, very lightly, then trace over with a darker colour.