Items from

Gallery of Semi-detached / Delvendahl Martin Architects - 9

OVal House / Elías Rizo Arquitectos

Gallery of The Nolitan / Grzywinski+Pons - 14

Gallery of Town House in Antwerp / Sculp[IT] - 8

"Ai Weiwei: According to What?"

Veronica Beach House / Longhi Architects

House + / Anne Menke

Gallery of Brasilia National Stadium / schlaich bergermann und partner + Castro Mello Arquitetos + gmp Architects - 4

MP House / Sebastião Moreira

Gallery of Fab-Union Space On The West Bund / Archi-Union Architects - 5

Via Cordillera / JSª + DMG Architects

Gallery of Sordo Madaleno & Pascall+Watson Presents Proposal for New Mexico City Airport - 29