This website includes many printable worksheets and other materials that go along with blends. Some include books that can be made for each blend, fill in the blanks with the blend for a picture, and brainstorming charts for words with each consonan
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity."
FOIL method Poster for multiplying binomials. I am a big fan of the FOIL method for multiplying binomials. Although I know some educators use the box method, my students find the FOIL method easier and much faster with a little practice.
The 12 Best Games You Can Play While People Watching: Guess Who? You and a friend each pick a stranger and take turns asking questions to try to guess who the other person picked.
This is a LiveBinder called "School Librarians and the Common Core Standards: Resources." It compiles great information and resources about implementing CCS in the LMC. There are a few dead links, so it could benefit from an update, but the links tha
Velcro Blocks. By attaching velcro strips to one (any) side of a block allows children to get creative with their building and construction. It is also a great sensory activity as the velcro is a different texture than the smoothness from the block