DIY Pottery Barn Ruler Going to MAKE THIS for our Home! I have such fond memories of measuring myself, brother and cousin in my grandparents house in Lavaca...AWE! warms my heart!
Have a pounding migraine headache? Try eating spinach instead of popping a pill. Magnesium is used in the ER to treat migraine attacks, and spinach contains loads of magnesium as well as riboflavin.
This trendy diffuser necklace can relax, energize, and truly do it all using your favorite essential oils. Simply add a clasp and locket to ribbon and place a piece of felt inside. Drop your essential oils on the felt piece to enjoy them all day long
These animated clips to teach you how to tie several different kinds of knots. As survival skills go, this one is solid gold.....any good horse person should know at least three knots