MG 1/100 Buster Gundam "Prometheus Gundam" - Custom Build | Gundam Kits Collection News and Reviews
But Brian wasn't at the Reception. He went to the Wedding, but Brian used to have a drinking problem when he was younger, and he avoids situations where social drinking might occur. And force his only son, and his son's lovely new wife to have a dr
Bahaha!! Of all the responses to Disney buying LucasFilm, this is the best. I know they own the rights to MarvelStudios and Pixar and haven't messed those up but still. Even if they continue with Lucas' storyline of Han and Leia's kids . . . still
LOVE this girl! She was cooler than 95% of the people on the show. She knew her stuff. She didn't put up with Sam and Dean's shenanigans.
Sword of Heimdall - for the movie THOR 2 by Cedarlore Forge, via Flickr Some other views of his sword.