With just a few simple ingredients you can now make your own DIY FLOAM at home! With a fool proof recipe and easy technique your kids are bound to love it!
Just did this and wow am I ever glad I did! The pack 'n play looked virtually unused but the water told otherwise!! I used homemade laundry detergent, vinager and a bit of burts bees baby shampoo for a fresh baby scent.
need ideas for keeping the #kids busy during spring break? find 20 awesome #crafts and #activities that are easy enough for kids and won't leave your house a huge mess!
Here's a set of number organizers that show multiples of each number inside the number outline. These might be interesting pieces in student notebooks.
How to mentally survive the newborn phase. Great post for moms on how to do practical things that will help you keep your sanity during your baby's first few months.