How to make "Scrappy TuTu Clown" costume
Hand print and foot print canvas art. Would be so cute if you made color copies of the L and E part and have the kids do prints in white paint!
Pinguin collage the sharp icy boarder is cool, kids could use green for jungle and add a leafy border or add coral or seaweed like boarder for different creatures -oh even rocks and a dragon in the middle, lots of ideas collage paper craft mixed medi
La dislexia es un trastorno de aprendizaje de origen neurobiológico que se manifiesta en una dificultad en la adquisición y consolidación de las habilidades necesarias para el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura. Es en la escuela.
Math Games and Centers: 4th Grade Print and Play (No Prep) Make math class something to look forward to with these super fun math games! This set of 50+ games are aligned to the Common Core Standards. The games are all 1 page, with a spinner on the p
Questions to ask about what we are reading....should add some critical literacy questions also Absolutely should add the critical thinking questions. Especially if schools use Accelerated Reader programs, students tend to have lots of books they ha
Ten Apples Up On Top book extension activity that teaches counting and number recognition from Mom Inspired Life
FREE!! The Night Before Thanksgiving...Literacy Activities ....Follow for Free "too-neat-not-to-keep" teaching tools & other fun stuff :)