Afterwards, have kids glue Cheerios to show molecules in each state. Visit Foreman's Fourth Grade to see activities her class did, and what they included in their Cheerios and Matter foldable.
Many believe that Christopher Columbus was the first to sail the open ocean and reach the Americas. What it not known are the numerous others who had already sailed the journey West, and those who sailed East. The Chinese once had a great fleet that.
To promote kindness in the classroom...this is the time of year we all need a new idea! have students make a shout out about another student who is doing good. Could use for staff!
Why You Shouldn't Be A Writer. So, you want to be a writer. You were always good at it, or you never tried it but want to give it a go, or your friend makes money doing it and maybe you could, too. They taught you grammar in grade school, or your hig