Red Sand Beach (also known as Kaihalulu) is located in Maui, Hawaii and is a pocked beach, partially isolated from the ocean. Because this area is rich in iron, the sand has a red-black color which makes a great contrast with the water.
The National World War II Museum basically tells the story of America’s experience during the World War II- why it was fought, the price of victory and how it impacted the world as it was back then.
The Natural History Museum DC, is a part of the Smithsonian Institution and is one of the most brilliantly displayed Natural History museums in the world .
San francisco aquarium is home to over 50 Sharks and also has Skates, Bat Rays, Eels, secretive octopus, hypnotic jellyfish, sparkling anchovies, Flatfish, Rockfish, frolicking river otters, Kelpfish, Prickle Backs, Sturgeons and several more than 20