#yoga #inspiration #quote
But it was all worth it because you knew that once you graduated you were prepared for anything! | Community Post: 26 Signs You Were A Business Major
We have a responsibility to stand watch over one another, we are watchers, all of us, watchers, guarding against the darkness. — Dean Koontz
You and you and you...because every time I thought "you" were different, you weren't. Another broken heart isn't on my bucket list.
LOVE. Live from intention not habit. Everyday set your intentions for what you want to make out of that day and go forth like the superhero you are! :) #intention #inspirationalquote #love
Never respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Don't take it personally be silent. For more quotes and inspirations: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/never-respond-rudeness.html?ref=pp