DIESE LICHTER-IDEE schafft Atmosphäre: Zinkblumen kasten zu drei Vierteln mit Sand füllen. Darauf Tannenzweige oder Holzwolle legen, vier große Steckwindlichter in den Sand drücken. Zwischenräume mit silbernen Weihnachtskugel
lets see..marble floors, mirrored custom island, inset complete w/arched window, vanity center, custom drapery, back lit custom cabinetry, custom ceiling, cream chandelier, & as if that wasn't enough....a Birkin!!!!!
Fruit Fly Trap 1 How to Get Rid of Gnats and Fruit Flies jar, paper cone, scotch tape, banana or other fruit, apple cider vinegar, couple drops of dishwashing liquid. they fly in and don't fly out!
101 Amazing Pieces You'd Never Guess Were From HomeGoods: If you're anything like us, you've aimlessly entered HomeGoods only to walk out with 12 new decor items that you "just had to have."
A very cool shelve which is very easy on the eye. The use of a ladder concept actually looks very attractive on the eye. Would go well if it were in the bathroom. I like it how you can even hang shoes on it.