yoga is so great for getting in shape both mentally and physically- both are things that are important to strengthen #aritziacleanslate
Anyone can work out for an hour, true strength is controlling what goes on your plate during the other twenty three.
And this is totally true. The "thigh gap" is a fad exclusive to the female section of the population. We men just generally aren't interested. (Quotes from Greg B)
Healthy Recipes for 21 Day Fix for dinner or lunch that will keep you on track for your healthy lifestyle.
Singing Bowl: Dating back to eighth century BC, singing bowls have been used for centuries in Buddhist practice as a way to begin and end meditation. In yoga, it's not uncommon for teachers to employ this practice during Savasana. This particular bra
Do you need more motivation to exercise? Here are 7 biblical reasons why all Christians should be exercising regularly.
Need a fun, challenging workout to try? Check out our workout routines for something that will help you reach your goals. We have 100s to choose from! #RippedNFit