"The Way" Movie -- Martin Sheen plays Tom, an American doctor who comes to St. Jean Pied de Port, France to collect the remains of his adult son, killed in the Pyrenees in a storm while walking The Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way of Saint
a dravener: a type of demon that can cause death just by looking at someone/creature. They have the ability of mind control, and can make someone go completely mad. They can shapeshift into a crow/raven. And are known for there rituals which involve.
Mark Blackthorn from Cassandra Clare's books, City of Heavenly Fire and upcoming Dark Artifices Series. --Don't know who this is but he's perfect for Mark!
Le plus ancien et le plus emblématique des instruments traditionnels gallois, sest éteinte au cours du XVIIIe siècle, sans doute en partie étouffée par la popularité du violon. On le prononce crouth et se joue la plupa