"The Way" Movie -- Martin Sheen plays Tom, an American doctor who comes to St. Jean Pied de Port, France to collect the remains of his adult son, killed in the Pyrenees in a storm while walking The Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way of Saint
Nerd Quirk # 113. my friends AND family. my dad used to quiz me on books, because he thought I hadn't actually read them. he eventually stopped. "Yes, Dad. I really did just read that whole book in two hours. It's not a big deal."
A diamond smuggling investigation leads James Bond to Las Vegas, where he uncovers an extortion plot headed by his nemesis, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Director: Guy Hamilton
On the other hand, if you need subtitles, that means you /want/ to know what the snakes are saying, so therefore, you are also going to be accused of Dark Arts.