Starting Succulent plants is so simple with these 5 easy steps from Lavende & Lemonade
Great tutorial on making these large balls. I wonder if archeologists 2000 years from now will wonder what their purpose was!
Easy DIY Projects For Your Back Yard This Summer. I am specifically pinning the ground level trampoline next the natural pool!
Roombeek (Enschede, NL) The Roombeek, small stream which gives its name to the street, has been restored and brought up to the surface again. The base of the stream is treated with a rough structure that reduces the flowing speed of the water and cr
Art Studio Storage. Cubbies over a Dresser Painted White. at Art As Life blog. *smart idea -hr
A backyard painting studio in Williamsburg. but I would use it for gardening and reading and working and...
Get Rid of Deer, Rabbits, Racoons, and Cats: These animals hate the smell of vinegar and it will keep them out of your garden naturally and safely. It is best to...
See how to regrow green onions without a garden or a green thumb.
Bonsai tree This tree is so unique, never saw a bonsai that looks like this.
I used to have one of these....monstera...great plant!
So doing this...a rock maintenance strip for around the house!
DIY chicken waterer. Has a valve that keeps critters out and creates vacuum to keep water from spilling out. (Aunt Ruth's chicken's would like this!)
Wrap a 5 gallon bucket in burlap for a cool, easy and cheap pot...(my blog)
Purple Rose Key Necklace by KeypersCove on Etsy
steps, miniature door in a "tree trunk for a fairy garden.
Old enamel pan on a wooden stand is centered in the garden bed
Meandering Soft Pebble Pathway A soft pebble pathway is retained by using a brick edging for support. Soft surfacing for garden pathways consists of natural materials that include combinations of stone, wood and shell.
Prevent animals from getting into your garden by strategically placing plastic forks in the soil. Could also use the fork tines to hold names of plants
Pinguicula laueana/ carnivorous butterwort
freepeople: Style Inspiration from fpmeganjennifer on FP Me!
Love the use of flowers, bushes and small trees. ~~ Red River Cottage - traditional - porch - other metro - Terry M. Elston, Builder
bit-of-green site has now expired, so no instructions on how to make this vertical garden or ability to make the picture larger...there doesn't seem to be another non-pinterest reference on the web. Does anyone have any more info on what the backing.
Top 10 NASA Approved Houseplants for Improving Indoor Air Quality – DIY &... I want the peace lily, Chinese evergreen, spider plant and African violet.
How to Grow Peaches. Useful tips on pruning, etc. Just planted one in the yard that started from a seed from a peach I ate!
Port Meadow Cottage Fairy House:
Unusual Engagement Diamond Ring, Side View
Back "porch" outfitted to be a complete outdoor room with fireplace, chandelier, and all-weather carpet, draperies and furniture.