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ABC Tree This would be cute to use in the Fall to put children's photos in the circles instead of letters.

Siracusa, province of syracuse , region of Sicily Luke Robinson's photostream

Shell Fossil. I have actually have found one of these. It had the crystallized insides of it.

multiplex keuken met elementen op wieltjes

Colonel Brandon (Alan Rickman). Who doesn't love a man who carries a woman for miles in the pouring rain to save her from herself?

Chicken Avocado Patties Recipe! Healthy And Tasty :)

Meryl Streep in 1979 and now, same dress. Still gorgeous, she has definitely aged well

Stuka : Foto

"What does this stitch do?" Very good information

Close-up of chiavari chair, demonstrating how we have tied sashes in a unique way (diagonally)!

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PERFECTION - Box No. 216

This might actually be off on the wooded side of my house, hidden from the front by a fence or thick shrubbery. The back should be much more elaborate, so this is more of a secluded soaking tub...probably accessed through some french doors on the fi

Apply water to burned area | 14 Hilarious Grumpy Cat Memes That Will Make You Smile

Seven tips to customize your Samsung Galaxy S5 - CNET

A Little Inspiration for your new year. #quotes #inspiration #healthyliving

Love apothecary jars! Have them all over my house full of seashells & sea debris, parrot, chicken & gamebird feathers. Pain to dust, though :P

lace up #pixiemarket #fashion #womenclothing @pixiemarket

Foods That Will Re-Grow From Your Kitchen Scraps Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter

Wenn ich gewusst hätte, wie sich das Leben später entwickelt, wäre

Jacket mechanical. Original title for "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."

Cute little monkey!

How to Build a Brand of Awesomeness [infographic]. Building your brand is a big part of your success. However, it can be confusing and overwhelming if you don't know what route to take. There are 9 steps to take when you are trying to create a brand.

How to Build a Pergola - Step by Step | The Family Handyman.

Mats Gustafson: "Tiffany & Co"

Adorable newborn in the Signature Heathered Gray Slouch Beanie from Slouch Headwear

MUST REMEMBER THIS: carve a pumpkin using cookie cutters! I guess this explains all those PERFECT looking pumpkins! Genius!

Victorian, Alameda, California

your own sparkler packet, so guests see you off in style: | 24 DIY Decorations That Will Make Any Wedding Look Like A Million Bucks