100 Years Of Leica | Anniversary Cameras & A Sumptuous Leica Watch
Some mornings it's best just to fill the sink with coffee, dunk your head in it and suck. ----TODAY!
[gifset] I love how they get so offended BTW look at their tongues #Supernatural 8x12 "As Time Goes By" #Dean #Sam || Henry Winchester
But that what makes life so beautiful, is that even though we go weeks and nothing gets better for some reason we hold on ... we have not come this far to give up!!!
Malcolm McDowell, Clockwork Orange "el condicionamiento clásico" "Cuando dos cosas suelen ocurrir juntas, la aparición de una traerá la otra a la mente". En -------> Rn EI -------> RI CONDICIONAMIENTO
I saw this. Saved this. Set this as my wallpaper. Beautiful human being. He's not even my favorite. Niall is. But hot damn, Harry Styles.
letters ~ Need to work a little on that "B". But, I think I can make it better. The one in this pic looks like a lower case "f".
'Oh! my dear old wooden window, may be once you were my ancestor". The young banyan tree embrace the top of the window and say those words silently.
An amazing animal and yet the sting ray took one life Steve Irwin, He was such a help to all animals and a wonderful person
I remember a teacher giving us this sentence in middle school and asking us to punctuate. It was a great lesson and definitely revealing!