Items from

Makeup Remover Wipes ~ For make up remover wipes: 4 cups warm water, 1-2 tablespoons Coconut Oil. (1-2 squirts of baby wash or your your favorite face wash if you want, but it's not necessary)

List of items - buy one each week for 52 weeks to be prepared! ~$10 per week.

MUST REMEMBER THIS: carve a pumpkin using cookie cutters! I guess this explains all those PERFECT looking pumpkins! Genius!

The "miracle" of baking soda and peroxide. Put 1/4 cup of baking soda in a bowl.....add enough peroxide to make a paste. Rub on with fingers or sponge. Cleans EVERYTHING! Stove, oven, pans, stainless steel applicances, even the white handles of.

Homemade Sparkling Apple Cider. Apparently it's better than Martinelli's and it only has 2 ingredients!

Time to wash and whiten yellowed pillows? This is a great article that shows you how to remove stains. It works! #diy #tips #clean