Items from

happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrate it for everything that it is.

Oregon - by Portland. Bridge over lower part of waterfall. Totally been here it was amazing!!

The smartest thing a woman can ever learn, is to never need a man.

Finally, A Comic That Explains How To Use “Whom” In A Sentence Correctly!

Just because things hadn't gone the way I'd planned didn't necessarily mean they'd gone wrong.

Dance with your heart and get though the hard times. #DanceRockIt #Inspiration #Kickstarter

Don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you.

I definitely need to work on this. Sometimes it's best to be quiet. #quote

I've been through a tremendous amount of pain and change in the last few years, but there's still a part of my heart that isn't ready to give up.

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing Again With These Tips. 40 Ways to stay #creative! #inspiration #motivation

Get To Know Someone Through Their Handwriting With This Powerful Guide

Which Kind Of Multiple Intelligences Are You Especially Good At?

Use This Little Known Tool to Lose Weight Starting Now

Don't get comfortable thinking everything is "OK" now. You have no idea the pain you have caused the person dearest to me... Just because I am silent ( at the moment ) It will never be ok with me!

Top 13 inspirational quotes of the week!

40 Special Hotel Rooms You’ll Want To Live In So Badly 40 Special Hotel Rooms You’ll Want To Live In So Badly

Don't try to understand everything. Sometimes it is not meant to be understood, just accepted.

Think Twice Before You Post To Social Media #Infographic via Angela LeBrun

Never respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Don't take it personally be silent. For more quotes and inspirations:

A Picture To Show You Clearly The Effects of Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO On Images

10 Reasons Why Anime Nerds are Highly Satisfied in Life

The Strongest People Are Not Those Who Show Strength In Front Of Us

Here’s To The People Who Try Their Hardest To Be Good Enough For Everyone