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Shay's Run, Blackwater Falls State Park, West Virginia!

Holy Crap look at that pike! Freaking awesome! Must have been quite the fight reeling that one in!

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First Grade Math Apps - Addition and subtraction - Fact families Worksheet

Wouldn't you love to have a boat like this? Go sailing, nibble on yummy food and pamper in the below the deck bath! Whoo! *wink*

Fishing themed shoot. Very cute for the little guys in our lives. I would love to do this one again. There isn't a whole lot of little boy photo shoots around.

8/10. I never thought a mix between hiking boots/shoes and high heels would strike me so alluringly... A kickass kinda sexy this is! ♥ -Megan

It wasn't scary until the power was out and another storm was bearing down before the house could be dug out of the aftermath of the first.

10 Minute, Before Work, Butt Workout that everyone has time for!! We're helping thousands of Ladies (Just like You) Get Fit & Sexy ..

DIY Bar -- Add wheels that lock to the back. Lightweight frame, moveable - yet looks permanent. Would add nice solid wood top to it. :-)

backup iPhone portable charger by j.crew. SO CUTE! I love the anchors. I wish I had one for the iPhone 5!!!! But it would have been helpful like yesterday when on trips,!!!!!!!!!!!!! also check this amazing : Space Dump Truck Race Free Awesome Truck.