Items from cage...for males who disapprove of your shabby chicalicious decor...may be released upon realization of the fabulousity of shabby chicness.

Delaware River sunrise in New Jersey • photo: Bob Jagendorf on Flickr

Give me a little kiss......<3 | Flickr – Condivisione di foto!

Wonderwoman tattoo. Not for me, but just because this is an awesomely cute tattoo with some amazingly well done work!

Maryland football helmets

Youth Baseball Photography Ideas

A man's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgot

¡Azul! Bicicleta Sem Freio

SENTE A LUZ / it okay to paint murals on your house??? because I want to

1953 ... The Tyler House: John Lautner

European robin - Very close Robin. by bojangles_1953 on Flickr

This reminds me of my first house in England...quaint Dove Cottage :)

New VW Bus...I can dig it. Surfin' USA!

Three Muskateers style beard & mustache by Tristan Tristan #beard #mustache

Fresh Flower Arrangement #47, via Flickr.

Mercedes Benz SLS AMG I prefer the Black Series for this car but the stock SLS is still pretty dang awesome!

replica of the first successful reflecting telescope, built by Isaac Newton. It used mirrors instead of lenses to focus light, giving a better performance for a smaller instrument

Beautifully carved antique door.

España, València : Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Valencia, s. XVI.

Shell Fossil. I have actually have found one of these. It had the crystallized insides of it.

Siracusa, province of syracuse , region of Sicily Luke Robinson's photostream

"INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glassworld where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human quali

This is Spinal Tap. Speakers 11 lol. Christopher Guest On IMDb, the only movie that's ratings goes up to 11.

Pygmy Kingfisher - This little fella and just flown into our window and winded himself. He took about ten minutes to recover before flying off. I zoomed in from a distance as didn't want to upset him further. I think he must have been quite young as.

Because now I remember who "me" was, is, and will be.

Backyard OR Courtyard Inspiration based on The Siam Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.

Beautiful Crowntail betta (Siamese fighting fish) • photo: Andrew Williams on Flickr

Meerkat babies. / WOW PINS

sacristains, drops chocolat noir et pralin | la cerise sur le gâteau.

Calendário do Natal! by Arte & Mimos, via Flickr