
Items from fabforgottennobility.tumblr.com

The eyes will always speak, it's only if we are ready to listen...

I watched Jordan and Co win 6 title as a kid/teenager in Chicago. Classic jersey.

Triumph Speed Triple SE

RESPECT - RISPETTO Respect every diversity. And see it as an oprtunity to enrich yourself / Rispetta ogni diversità e considerala come una costante opportunità per migliorarti, completandoti.

Monument Valley, Utah (by jeremyweber)

One of my sweet little girls ran up to me yesterday at school and announced: “My mommy has a baby in her tummy and it’s gonna be a baby sister and her name is gonna be Santa and I’m gonna share my big girl panties with her and take

F&O Fabforgottennobility

F&O Fabforgottennobility