I have had a lot of questions about this shot so I thought I would blog about how I created it and then you can create a similar shot with your own family!The light source that I am using to illuminate the book is just a string of small, white indoor
A collection of top digital camera tips and essential photography help. Learn the secrets and shortcuts to setting up your camera for high-quality pictures every time.
The Penny Bun mushroom represents the wild mushroom par excellence. This is what most European's talk about when they talk about 'wild mushrooms'. It was popular enough in Victoria Britian to be given the appropriate nickname 'Penny Bun' because of i
*** Three Rivers Deep (book series) "A two-souled girl begins a journey of self-discovery..." synopsis: https://threeriversdeep.wordpress.com/three-rivers-deep-book-one-overview/ pic source: so easy by M0THart http://sasu48.deviantart.com/art/so-ea