Art Journaling. What a brilliant idea! And a great way to push through an uninspired time. This would also be interesting for a birthday/anniversary card etc.
Sugar Blossoms: Classroom Cheers Holy Cow! The kids will love to pick the way they want to cheer for themselves or be cheered for! Fun First Grade Family activity!!!!
30 Simple Ways You Should Be Using Google. So useful! I am always forgetting how much google can actually do. For those days when I'm in a hurry or don't feel like sifting through the web to find a new tool, I'll just use google for the basics. And t
Straw Structure Design Samples.The Challenge is to build the tallest structure with 50 straws and a small roll of tape. The structure must be able to support a 200g orange.
Human Anatomy Felt Board I was going to make one out of construction paper, but this idea to use felt, is EVEN BETTER!!!! @Lauren Davison Muskauski - this is better than Little Organ Annie!!!