Baby massage for when your baby has discomfort from a cold or teething. (This was pinned to the main page -- STOP DOING THAT, PINNERS! -- and I hunted it down for the article specifically. You're welcome.)
16 Toddler hair styles to mix up the pony tail and simple braids. dutch braids, french braid, side pony tail, braided pony, messy bun, side braid into a bun, anna inspired braid, dutch rose, frozen inspired hair.
23 Incredibly Helpful Charts For New Parents ** NO baby should have anything more than breastmilk or formula until at least 6 months per AAP & WHO due to virgin gut***
These are toys that may be considered an "investment" but they have lasted us through the preschool years and now into the later elementary years. They are awesome and can grow and change with your child!