F4 Phantom with payload options. The mainstay of Western Fighter Interceptors for decades. As you can see, she also performed ground attack.
Step by Step Setup Git Server on Windows with CopSSH + msysGit and Integrate Git with Visual Studio http://www.timdavis.com.au/git/setting-up-a-msysgit-server-with-copssh-on-windows/
Battleship HMS Howe maneuvers off Okinawa with her main armament assuming firing position aimed at Japanese targets on the island. She was attached to Task Force 113 supporting the US landings.
#Infografía Pasos de un concurso en Redes Sociales Infografía recomendada por www.adhodc.com @mariancoves
Make your own glow in the dark RAINBOW bounce balls using common household ingredients- such a fun project for kids!