Fully abstracted image; image of inside a musical instrument; positive and negative space create complexity and curiosity about spaces in the image and makes viewers to wonder where this place/space is; full abstraction makes it difficults for viewer
Dans le même esprit que les travaux de Gavin Worth, voici les oeuvres de Michael Murphy, avec son exposition LOOK, inauguré à New York. Des sculptures 3D sous plusieurs couches et des installations avec des clous et des fils de fers. D
Take a different path with marijuana, try small edible marijuana candies you make yourself. MARIJUANA - Guide to Buying, Growing, Harvesting, and Making Medical Marijuana Oil and Delicious Candies to Treat Pain and Ailments by Mary Bendis, Second Edi
A man's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgot
Photoshop help Don't get caught up in purchasing a zillion actions. It can all be done in plugins like Nik Filters and Topaz filters with much more flexibility. Actions take a while to run, the filters are faster.