Sweet! Tahitian Vanilla Marshmallow Clouds http://www.nuageandcaramel.com/
STEM Activities: Make geometric bubbles that mimic tensile structures. Great engineering project for kids!
dead leaf buterfly https://sphotos-b-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q71/s720x720/182357_232191083594589_2021173100_n.jpg
Rhodochrosite, single-crystal gem. Northern Cape Prov., South #Gemstones| http://colorfulgemstones638.blogspot.com
Barred owl. Not quite a snowy owl, but very similar in color. I finally found the original link! (I think.)
with a bracket for under the upper windows - cat ledge + storage? Need to check weight capacity with brackets...
Swadhisthana chakra is shown as having six petals, bearing the Sanskrit letters ba, bha, ma, ya, ra, and la. The seed sound in the centre is vam. The tattwa for the element of Water is shown as a silver crescent.
Using beads, rocks, ornaments for a pop of color against the black would look sleek. these are too green, but you get the idea:)