Autumn splendor.... want to drive my Porshe Carrerra through those leaves and look in the rear view mirror and watch them dance across the road .....only on pinterest!!!!!! Closing my eyes to see it!
Amazon Horned Frog, Ceratophrys cornuta. Photo by William Quatman: Aggressive and territorial with voracious appetites, and indiscriminate tastes the 'Pac Man Frog' can grow to the size of a tea saucer! #Frog #Amazon_Horned_Frog
The Nautilus, Greek for 'sailor', is a mollusk that has survived unchanged for millions of years. They represent the only living member of the subclass Nautiloidea, and are often referred to as 'living fossils'.
SEOW CHEE KEONG, LONG HUSSAINI SUSPENSION BRIDGE NEAR PASSU: his occupation on his flickr page is "backpacker" and i so love him for that. #photograph #bridge