her room is like a cave! <<< I have no poster any merchandise, or anything, but that doesn't mean I'm not a true crazymofo. I love them to death, support them in every way, never once hated on them, i love those amazing girlfriends and I wil
#Day76? Exactly. #Project365 21+Reasons+Why+Getting+Your+Period+Makes+You+An+Unbelievable+Badass https://jesykaloves.wordpress.com
So hilarious! Just played this as a game with Jake, where I said the names & he guessed what it was I was describing. He did really well! Only missed two! "Space light"was kinda rough! Lol
Things 2000s Kids Will Be Nostalgic About! A great gallery from Buzzfeed that will make you feel old... or at least older.
This pug who saw something — SOMETHING — that none of us will ever believe. | The 47 Absolute Greatest Dog GIFs Of 2013
Tumblr taught you that history jokes are everywhere. | Community Post: 17 Times Tumblr Proved It Was The Best History Teacher
Youngest girl to ever give birth, Linda Medina. She was 5 years, 7 months and 21 days old when she gave birth to a 6lb baby boy in 1933 ...wow - this is so disturbing
Someone I used to know once told me about this, and since then, I've pretty much adopted it. Now I feel like this about 75% of the time and I need to break the habit. I want to be done with feeling 'fine'. I want to be fabulous, like I deserve to be.