Simply Stunning: Steel Windows & Doors
Moving Theme: A thread of reddish-orange unites the patterns in this bedroom, but if you look a little closer, you'll also discover a subtle circle motif. Dots on the bed skirt and draperies, circles on the duvet cover, and rings on the Roman shades.
Repurposed Furniture | Home & Garden DIY Ideas I believe this is old wooden crates. I love it. And because this is repurposed id never feel bad about having a kids craft putting paint or markes etc onto the table by mistake
living room. sofas and chairs. iights lamps chandeliers. Cabinets and tables. carpets and fabrics. drapes and ceiling design. art and accessories. color decor modern interior design. wallpaper.
Chairs. They are the things we sit on. We might not think about it too much (probably because our butts are on top of them), but there have been a wide variety of chairs that have been created in our time here on Earth.
Diese DIY-Idee ist richtig genial! Wir basteln aus alten Büchern einen einzigartigen Nachttisch. Wie das geht? Folgen Sie einfach unserer Anleitung.
Via Better Homes and Gardens - Problem: Stinky Drain Pinning for the clever under cabinet sink drawers
Pretty Holiday Gift Wrap - I could easily see myself translating this idea over to boutique product packaging!!
Holy cow, do I ever love this house! Click thru to the webpage to see the whole house. Gotta go get the drool off my keyboard now...