A previous pinner said... "My neighbour has a row of roses, which he took as cuttings. I asked how he took them. He simply plunges the cuttings into the ground. But his secret of success is the humble potato! Before planting cuttings, he pushes the b
The Ganja Game: Which Strain of Weed Are You? | High Times// I am: MASTER YODA. "You’re one of the most popular and potent strains: you’re well-liked, a people-pleaser, and you tend to bring everyone together. You are Yoda. And Yoda was p
Oxalis Versicolor (Candy Cane Sorrel) is a unique bulb with really spectacular flowers! Very beautiful in full bloom, they are even more stunning when they have not quite opened up completely and display a striking red and white striped pattern. They
How to Make Your Garden Water-Free This is what I want on the west side of my house. But it's full sun. Anyone know who these kinds of plants do here in Utah?