Tatty Teddy room inspiration [more at pinterest.com/eventsbygab]
Self-Sorting Wooden Coin Bank *use 3 separate shoe boxes glue together decorate with paint, scrape fabric or paper
DIY Barbie Couch. My mom used to help us make our own Barbie furniture when my sis and I were younger. I love that it got us to be creative
Cute Christmas Card Idea. {Newborn Photography} {Baby Photography} Adorable Baby Photo Session Idea. I want this hat for my soon to be godson! ♥ @Hannah Mestel Santa Cruz
Primitive Wooden Christmas Trees with Stars. The trees are made from found wood, stained, and painted with white dots. Pinterfest project?
a pattern ive just recently used again just making the color changes much farther along...makes a quick blanket
Want a swing hanging from a tree so bad for our girls. Too bad we can't do this at our current house.