Las almohadas antiescaras de están diseñada para ayudar prevenir úlceras por presión y reducir el riesgo de desarrollarlas. Las almohadas antiescaras brindan soporte a todo el cuerpo para una posición relajada y un sueño tranquilo.
An Awesome Tabata Workout You Can Do on Your Own: The following post was originally featured on Peanut Butter Fingers and written by Julie Fagan, who is part of POPSUGAR Select Fitness. To read more on this workout, check out Julie's blog!
This skinny Mexican pizza is much healthier and so much tastier than Taco Bell! A family friendly recipe everyone will love. Sounds good, must try. Joy
These Post-Workout Mistakes Are the Reason You're Not Seeing Results - Feeling like you hit the gym pretty regularly but aren't seeing results? One of these post-workout habits may be sabotaging your weight-loss results.
I’ve found 13 fabulously quick and easy mason jar salads I can whip up ahead of time and have ready to eat all week. Shake them up and you’re ready to eat!
I just did this diet last week and lot 7lbs on the first try. It balances your blood sugar so you don't get sweet or salt cravings. I'm in fr another round this week.
With your back against a wall, hold a medicine ball, or a kettle bell, with both hands in front of your chest and lower into a squat. Keeping your hips steady, twist to the left and reach the ball toward the wall. Repeat on the other side. Move back.