fire opal. Highly sought after as a healing gemstone. Stimulates sexuality. Also strengthens the immune system and stabilizes circulation of the blood. If used to often the stone will become cloudy. Keep fire opal in a glass of water so it will const
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Crystal Guidance: Crystal Tips and Prescriptions - Irritability. Top Recommended Crystals: Jade, Amethyst, or Rhodonite. Additional Crystal Recommendations: Apatite, Bloodstone, Chalcedony, or Peridot. Irritability is associated with the Root and S
Clear Quartz is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. Clear Quartz protects against negativity, attunes to your higher self, and relieves pain. Clear Quartz: Power stone, Intensify energy, spiritual development, healing,.
Symptoms of Enlightenment ~ I have found this to be quite true for myself and others who are no longer concerned with image or outside forces, but have found the security of the inner knowledge which never fails.