Taylormade Rocketballz Individual Iron (
Just Jack Dempsey (my pick for 1920s day) knocking some guy out of the ring, rendering him unconscious... No big deal
R100 BMW by Kim Boyle. Saw this bike at the One Moto show. Probably my favorite bike there. The lines are so good, the detail was awesome, and its a unique look for a Beemer custom. Love it!
I absolutely love this video! Two teams players watching their teammates beat the living crap out of each other xD
WOW! Such a comprehensive list for drink ideas, snack ideas, meal ideas for those who attend a lot of ball games, or who have kids playing a lot of sports!
Btw... World, watch out in 2018 — we know the rules now. | 21 'Murica Memes To Keep Your Patriotism Flowing